Welcome to Shelter Cove Property Owners Association at beautiful Lake Livingston, Texas, just 80 miles north of Houston. The mission of the Shelter Cove POA is to maintain and enhance the quality of life as well as the property values of the home owners in our subdivision.

You can participate in the Homeowners Association by attending POA meetings, serving on a committee, or even by becoming a board member. Please check our website frequently for notice of the next general meeting or contact a board member.

Annual dues are assessed and used for operating expenses, which include continue maintenance of the common areas, boat docks, security patrol, taxes, accounting, legal matters and insurance.

Proper adherence to the by-laws and restrictions help maintain the overall appeal of the subdivision, and thus keep our property values as high as possible.

The Board of Directors has created this website to inform our residents of activities of the Association and our community.

Welcome to Shelter Cove!